Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Getting Started

It hardly seems possible that Lynley and I are almost at the end of our summer placement and about to start our second year of training at William Booth College. When we first arrived here a year ago a friend suggested that I should record something of our journey because there were bound to be experiences that we would otherwise forget. I think he is right, so this is my attempt to capture something of our second year of training, and maybe beyond that into our first appointment if this turns into something of value.

It's rather experimental just now, and I don't really have any expectations of anyone reading this. That said, I've often been challenged and encouraged by what other people have to say, so who knows?

Theological reflection is a discipline we are encouraged to do here at college, and I guess that is something I want to do here: What is God doing in my life? How is He shaping me to be the person He wants me to be? What do I learn about Him from the small and big experiences of life?

And in the unlikely event that someone reads this and wants to know why "kerukoi" in the URL...? Well, I am privileged to be part of a group of people here at college who comprise the "Heralds of the Good News" session. When we started our first year Biblical studies we were divided into two groups. Mine was known as "kerukoi" which is Greek for "Herald" and can apparently be found somewhere in 2 Timothy. I was trying to come up with an imaginative name for the blog and decided this was as good as any.

So here ends my first post, and knowing my talent for self-discipline, possibly my last for a while.

1 comment:

Mitchenstein said...

Hey Stephen!

Welcome to the Blogger world! I often wonder how it's going for you guys over at the training college and now it will be nice to know!

Take care and speak to you soon - say hi to Lynley from me!

John :-)