Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mission - Quotable Quote

Something from a Mission in Practice lecture today that I want to remember:

"Our churches should be such, that if they were taken away, they would be missed by their communities."

I don't think I have it 100% accurate, but something that was helpful as Lynley and I completed our personal profiles today - the document that forms part of the process that will result in our first appointment.

I want to be part of a church that is at the heart of its local community.

Something to ponder on; something to help against complacency?

1 comment:

The Smiths said...

Hi Steve

Bizarre! When your message came through on my blog I was just thinking about you (I was looking on eBay for a brilliant album I remember you used to have - Loose Tubes "open Letter to Dudu Mukwana") - thanks for your good wishes, I look forward to delving into your blog on a regular basis - in fact I shall add a link on my front page (but not now as it's midnight and i ought to go to bed!)

Take care and love to Lou and the kids.