Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Four Months Today...

To my shame I haven't added any entries since January. A lot has happened since then, most obviously our appointment to the Oldham Roundthorn corps in the summer. The last few weeks have passed in a blur, and the emotional rollercoaster that goes with being very excited about our forthcoming move, whilst at the same time being a little anxious about the awesome responsibility that God, through the Salvation Army, is entrusting to us. In all that we are tempted to stress about the words of the chorus, "He is Able" - featured so helpfully here at a recent Spiritual Day, have been reassuring.

Our next practical challenge is to sort out schooling. We will need a reception year place for Caitlin, and a year 4 place for Christian, ideally at the same school. Even receiving our appointment in February hasn't helped us as the deadline for applying for reception places in Oldham was December 31st 2006! But...

He is able!

Oh, and four months today signifies that commissioning is 4 months time to the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephen & Lynley and Christian and Caitlin of course!

Just to let you know that we at Failsworth are praying for you all!

We are very excited and can't wait for you to arrive!

God Bless
Angela Aston - Church administrator
Sandra Mercer - Children's Worker
Failsworth SA