Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Au Revoir Starbucks

Our local Sainsburys also plays host to our local Starbucks. Last Friday came the news that the coffee shop was closing for 6 months refurbishment. Sad news indeed - even 4-year old Caitlin was asking why! Many of us in the Denmark Hill community will miss Starbucks - not only for the convenience of a coffee before, after, or during grocery shopping - but also as a place of escape and refuge!

Saturday saw a number of us passing through for a final latte and a fond farewell.

The unwritten rules of the Starbucks/WBC social code: when and when not to sit with cadets or staff - will have to be applied in other places for now.

The good news is that the staff have been relocated to another site and the coffee shop should be back before commissioning. In the meantime there is a Caffe Nero in East Dulwich, not to mention our friendly coffee stand in Denmark Hill station (you can just about get a cappuccino between morning prayers and first lecture).

And the news was a lot worse for a certain staff member who was given a Starbucks top-up card for Christmas!

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