Thursday, January 04, 2007

Taking Stock, Thinking Blog

I have been browsing some of the blogs I check into from time to time and find myself wondering why it is other people have more to say. As I sit here waiting for the "highlights" of today's play in the 5th Ashes Test I find myself thinking about work I should be doing:

- Preparation for the YP Annual next weekend at Cardiff Ely
- A 2000-word paper on post-modernity
- A seminar paper and presentation on ordination
- Completing review & evaluation self-assessment documents
- Preparing Monday's band practice

Alternatively, I could be reading any number of books.

I am also aware that this year I have made a personal commitment to a "read the Bible in a year" plan - something I haven't done for quite a while. It's day 4 of the reading plan, but I am still on day 2. I am resolving to catch up after the cricket. Maybe if nothing else, this blog could be my own personal accountability place!

College life has started again, and already we are back in reflective mood as we approach our next review and evaluation (a bit like an appraisal). Having to write about one's own spiritual development is quite a daunting task... So I have opted for the cricket highlights instead!

Next time I check in here I should at least be back on track with the reading plan!

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