Thursday, October 11, 2007

Blog Relaunch?

I feel very challenged to relaunch my blog. In the first few weeks (which have turned into months) of our appointment at Failsworth I decided I needed to stay away from writing my own thoughts in such a public place, but maybe the time has come to step back into this. Facebook is fun (although the novelty of attacking other people's zombies soon wears off) but doesn't provide the right environment for reflection and dialogue so here I am again, sat in front of Blogger's rather clunky user interface (which doesn't work properly with my new MacBook - a vastly superior machine imho).

Also, an attempt to use a new profile resulted in the blogger tools completely trashing my blog roll and book list! I still want a new three-column template but I must be losing my confidence with technology!

What I need from the blog hasn't really changed: A place to reflect on what God is teaching me through the things that we do and the people we do them with; a place to wrestle with some of the bigger questions; and a place to dialogue if anyone is interested.

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